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Harry, Holly and their InnoPet Hercules

Labradors Harry and Holly are inseparable. Together with their owners, the pair enjoy going for walks and adventures in the Scottish countryside. When Harry developed arthritis, outings became increasingly difficult. When owner Jacqueline saw someone with a dog in a stroller, she knew this would make a difference for her family.

13 August 3 minutes reading time
Harry, Holly and their InnoPet Hercules

About 11 years ago, Harry and Holly were found as stray dogs. After spending some time in a shelter, they finally found a loving home with Jacqueline and her husband. The couple had just had to say goodbye to their own dog and were looking for new companionship. When they saw Harry and Holly together at the shelter, they knew this couple could not be separated. They decided to give both dogs a home.

First encounter with a dog stroller

Harry developed arthritis and cruciate ligament damage. Jacqueline noticed that both nature walks and regular walks became shorter and shorter. Harry could no longer go as far and as long as best friend Holly.

On a walk, Jacqueline once came across a man with his dog in a dog stroller. She struck up a conversation with the man about his pet. The dog had had three legs since it was a pup, but had never been hindered in its movement by this. When the dog got older, walking eventually became more difficult, and he decided to get his pet a stroller.

twee labradors in hondenbuggy Labrador dog trailer

The InnoPet Hercules

It planted the seed for Jacqueline: getting Harry a stroller. The man’s stroller was not suitable for off-road use, but she did want the off-road possibility for herself and Harry. After researching online for something that would be big enough for the 30kg labrador, she ended up with the InnoPet Hercules. At first, Jacqueline was afraid the stroller would be too bulky, but it soon turned out to be an excellent choice. With the Hercules, Harry and Holly can now go on adventures together again, to the Scottish coast and even to France!

The dog trailer has already been along in the car, on the ferry and on the train. Only on the bus was the sizeable Hercules a bit awkward. The stroller is also used for daily short walks, so Harry can rest when he is tired. For Harry’s convenience, the InnoPet Orthopedic Cushion was put in the Hercules. And when walking becomes too much for Holly, she cozies up next to her mate in the stroller. (with Holly’s 20 kg, they are exactly at the trailer’s weight capacity)

It changed all of our lives.”

Jacqueline, the dogs and her husband enjoy walks as a family again. Even though at first her husband was hesitant and thought a dog stroller was crazy, he now walks behind it when the four of them go for a walk. “It has changed all our lives” says Jacqueline. She believes Harry’s decline is less as he is enjoying life again.

The opinions of others

When you first start using a dog stroller, it’s not surprising that you are a little apprehensive about the reactions of others. Fortunately for the labradors and their family, the comments have only been positive. There has been one notable interaction:

Jacqueline was walking along the road with her dog stroller when a passing car suddenly stopped and the driver got out. When the lady getting out also started shouting, Jacqueline braced for a negative reaction… But the lady from the car was wildly enthusiastic about the dog stroller and started taking photos. She thought the use of a dog stroller was perfect.


InnoPet wishes Harry, Holly and the family many adventurous walks!

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