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Your dog and warm summer weather

Most people are excited for warm summer weather. while we're all about firing up the BBQ and soaking up the rays, our furry friends can struggle in the heat. How well your dog handles hot weather can depend on their breed, their size, their age and whether they’re at a healthy weight.

3 June 3 minutes reading time
Your dog and warm summer weather

How hot is too hot?

As a rule, a dog owner should be careful at temperatures of 25 ℃ and up. However, it’s important to remember that breed, age, and overall health can play a big role. Short-faced breeds like pugs and bulldogs, overweight dogs, and senior pups are especially heat-sensitive. If you’re unsure if the outdoor temperature is too warm for your dog, stay on the safe side and keep your pet indoors where it’s cooler.

The paw test

At an air temperature of 25℃, asphalt can already heat up to 52℃! Sand, brick and concrete, too, can get very hot. While your feet are protected by your shoes, your dog has a real chance of burning their paws.

Check the warmth of the ground by doing the paw test: if the pavement is too hot for you to comfortably hold your hand on for five seconds, it’s too hot for your dog’s paws.

A chart that shows when outside temperatures can become dangerous for dogs. Hot weather can be dangerous to dogs

How to keep your dog cool

  • Hydration
    Water is key for any living thing, but especially for dogs who can’t sweat like us humans. Make sure your pet has fresh, clean water available at all times. Bring a portable water dish and a bottle of water on walks. Refill their bowl at home regularly.
  • Reschedule walks
    Ditch the midday walk. If the hottest part of the day isn’t comfortable to you, it definitely is not for your dog. Go for early morning walks before the sun gets too intense. Or wait till the day cools down in the evening. If you can only go out during the day, stick to shaded areas like parks with plenty of trees or grassy pathways.
  • Shade
    If you let your dog out in the garden, make a designated cool area for your dog. An umbrella, a pop-up tent, or even some strategically placed furniture can create a shaded spot. When you’re out and about and wish to take a rest, choose for a place where your dog can sit or lie in the shade.


Signs of heatstroke in dogs

While taking precautions is key, it’s always good to be aware of the signs of heatstroke. Excessive panting, drooling, glazed eyes, vomiting, and lethargy are all cause for concern. If you suspect your dog is overheating, move them to a cool, shaded area, offer water, and wet down their fur with cool (not cold) water. If symptoms persist, get to the vet immediately!

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