1. Size and weight of your pet
Your pet needs to comfortably fit in their stroller. Ideally, they need to be able to lie down. Before choosing a pet stroller you will need to know the size of your pet. To measure your pet, get them to lie down on the ground. Measure with a tape measure from the start of the tail to the front paws.
Pet strollers have a maximum weight capacity. To figure out which stroller will fit your pet, weigh them. If you pet is too large to fit on your scale at home, have them weighed at the vet. Or, if you can pick up your pet, first weigh yourself and then yourself with your pet; subtract the difference.
Stroller for small dogs that weigh up to 11 kg:
All Terrain, City Buggy, City Hopper, Avenue
Strollers for medium dogs that weigh up to 30 kg:
Comfort EFA, Comfort Air, Adventure, Allure, Monaco, Sporty Evolution, Sporty Dog Trailer Deluxe, Premium Cozy
Strollers for large dogs that weigh up to 50kg:
Mamut, Hercules 2.0
2. Lifestyle and terrain
Where will you be riding with your pet stroller? The type of surface you use the stroller on matters in choosing a pet stroller wheel type. When you plan on walks in the woods, you will need different wheels than someone who will only use their pet stroller on paved roads.
There are even pet strollers suitable for the beach.
Read more about wheel types and how to choose the wheels that fit your needs.
If you need you pet stroller to fit in the boot of your car, pleas have a look at our size guide.
3. Features and accessories
Which features are important to you? Perhaps you want your pet stroller to double as a bike trailer. You might want you pet stroller to have large storage space for shopping. A cup tray or bag may be essential for your storage needs. The folding mechanism, too, need to be considered. There are different types of folding systems, like one-hand folding. Depending on your storage space, you may need a compact folding pet stroller. Features and accessories can be a deciding factor when choosing a pet stroller.
Pet strollers that can be used as a bike trailer:
Hercules 2.0, Sporty Dog Trailer Deluxe, Sporty Evolution
Pet strollers with cup trays:
Adventure, All Terrain, Avenue, Monaco, Allure
Pet strollers with one-hand folding systems:
Comfort Air, Comfort EFA, Adventure, City Buggy, City Hopper, Monaco, Allure, Mamut
Multiple pets in a dog stroller
Planning to put more than one pet in one of our products? There are two safety tethers present for most products. The advice is not to carry more than 1 pet in the stroller. This is to avoid exceeding the maximum load weight, and because the risk of damage is higher when two animals are transported at the same time. We are aware that many InnoPet users do put more than 1 pet in their dog stroller. Ultimately, once you purchase the product, it belongs to you and you decide how to use it. If you plan to put two or more pets in a dog stroller, measure the overall width of your pets to see if they can lie comfortably next to each other.
Click here to see an overview of all pet strollers.